Homebuyer Education Class Information

Thank you for registering.

Classes begin promptly at 8:30am and will end at 4:30pm.  You will receive the purchased workbook the day of class.  There will be periodic breaks as well as an hour lunch.  Keep in mind this may not be enough time to leave the site and purchase lunch.  However, students are welcome to bring snacks/lunch to eat during class.  Child and Pet care will not be provided, so please plan accordingly.  You are required to attend all sections in order to receive a certificate.   If you have any questions please call (970)259-1418 ext. 1.

Below are the details of your upcoming class:

Durango Homebuyer Education Class

All Saturday classes in Durango will be held at: Fort Lewis Campus EBH Building Room # 55 | 1000 Rim Drive, Durango CO 81301

Januray 9th 2018 (Tuesday) Class will be held at: The La Plata Electric Association’s Multi-Purpose Room at 45 Stewart St. Durango CO. 81303

Notes: Please park on the Northwest side of the parking lot closest to the Super 8 Hotel, and enter through the Northwest entrance.

Cortez Homebuyer Education Class

Location: SW Memorial Hospital Annex Building | 20 S. Market St, Cortez, CO 81321

Mancos Homebuyer Education Class

Location: Mancos Public Library | 211 W. 1st Street, Mancos CO 81328

Pagosa Springs Homebuyer Education Class

Location: Ross Aragon Community Center | 451 Hot Springs Blvd Pagosa Springs CO 81147328